
Shops in the market place must request the admin to add their shop. So that if the shops that do not follow the constraints given by the government during this pandemic situation can be avoided or blocked from the market. Admin to add the store details,time-slots that the store have and the number of people allowed in a time-slot.



The user who needs to go to the marketplace can create a account by providing the basic details and book the available time-slots for respective shops for their purchase. Once the booking is success then the QR code is generated and it can be viewed anytime in the booking history options in the app.


The shop employee/admin will scan the QR code and allow the people for shopping inside the marketplace. They will also scan the QR code when the leave the shop. So that the number of people inside the shop,visited the shops can be tracked easily and the people who needs to buy things without booking for shopping can be avoided.


All the people can get view the number of active shops, time slots details, their vacancies, number of booking and people visiting the shop and the number of people inside the shop. The dashboard is kept updated based on the live data.


Demo Video

A Little More About Us And Our Project

What made us build this application is that, we often hear news about lockdown announcements and what people do first when they hear this is bombing the stores (panic buying) to have more essential items in hand. As a result, the spot becomes over crowded where there is a risk of virus spreading.

Our application is built to make users pre-book their slot for market they wish to go. Before that, the administrators / the shop owners could add the availability of their shops, maximum number of people per time slot and few related stuffs. On booking, the user would receive an QR code in the application which they have to show when they are visiting the shop on entry and exit. By this scanning, we get real time updates on how much people inside the shop currently, and many more insights in a form of dashboard.

Tech stack includes Angular, React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Heroku, AWS.

Managing multiple services, repositories, deployment, version control, project management. Improved our skills in what all technologies we have been using.

Feel free to check the current version that is the web app version, and later if it goes well, thinking of converting them to mobile application.

Our Team